Riddle: One night, Reyanna-a young and famous singer who recorded her first album just a half a year ago-was invited to perform at a concert. When it was her turn to sing, the audience was extremely excited…but Reyanna never appeared on the stage; she was found in her dressing room, unconscious. Police officers questioned three other singers who had to perform that night. Maria: I'm new to show business, so I came up to Reyanna to ask for some advice, but I didn't hit her! Christina: My cousin is one of Reyanna's biggest fans; she's been listening to her for years! I've even gotten her autograph for her! Erica: I didn't even see Reyanna-I was too nervous to leave my dressing room to go on stage! Who hit Reyanna?
Answer: It was Christina who hit Reyanna. She said that her cousin had been listening to Reyanna for YEARS, but the singer recorded her first album only six MONTHS ago.
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