Riddle: Mrs. Fortini has been married for 10 years. For her 10th wedding anniversary, she got a pair of beautiful diamond earrings. Mrs. Fortini also has two daughters–Beatrice and Ivy–who always touch her stuff. One day, Mrs. Fortini was going to put on the earrings, when she found out that they had been stolen. She concluded that it must have been one of her daughters, so she asked them, "I've told you two so many times to not take my things! Who took my jewelry this time?". Beatrice said, "I never touch your jewelry box!". Ivy also denied taking her mom's stuff; "I don't wear earrings!", she said. Who stole the earrings?
Answer: It was Ivy who stole the earrings. Her mother didn't specify which piece of jewelry was missing.
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