Riddle: Lucy went onto a game show, and she was one task away from winning the grand prize: $500,000.00. She was shown four bags; one of these bags had the cash prize inside, while the other three were empty. Lucy had only one chance to choose the bag with the money. Each bag had a statement on it, but only one statement was true. A: The money is in either Bag B or Bag C. B: The money is in either Bag A or Bag D. C: The money is in this bag. D: The money is not in this bag. Which statement is true, and which bag has the money?
Answer: Statement B is true. Bag D has the money. If Bag A had the money, then statements B and D would both be true. If Bag B had the money, then statements A and D would both be true. If Bag C had the money, then statements A, C, and D would all be true. But, we only need one true statement. If Bag D had the money, then the statements on all of the bags would be false, except for that on Bag B. This matches the conditions, so the money is in Bag D.
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