Riddle: I have a story about my friend Billy, and his morning routine: Billy woke up after a long sleep. He opened his closet door and began to get dressed. Then, he opened his bedroom door and went to the bathroom. There, Billy brushed his teeth and combed his hair. Afterward, he went to the kitchen to make breakfast. He opened up his fridge and took out a carton of eggs, a jug of orange juice, and a carton of milk. Billy then opened his cabinet and took out a bowl, a plate, and a box of his favorite cereal. Next, he opened the jug of OJ and a carton of milk, took two glasses, and poured himself a glass of OJ and a glass of milk. Then, Billy opened the box of cereal and poured it, as well as some milk, into the bowl. Next, he opened the carton of eggs, cooked one, and put it on the plate. Lastly, Billy closed the carton of eggs, the jug of OJ, and the carton of milk; he went to the open fridge and put the three items back. Billy could not wait to enjoy his breakfast. The question is: what did Billy open FIRST?
Answer: Billy opened his eyes first. At the beginning of the story, Billy woke up, which meant that prior to the events of the story, he was sleeping. We don't sleep with our eyes OPEN; we sleep with them CLOSED, which means Billy woke up and opened his eyes first before doing anything else.
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