Riddle: Fiona's mother has 12 children. One day, the mother comes home and sees that all 12 children are busy. The first child, January, is reading a book. The second child, February, is cooking dinner. The third child, March, is playing chess. The fourth child, April, is tidying up her room. The fifth child, May, is taking a nap. The sixth child, June, is taking a shower. The seventh child, July, is gardening outside. The eighth child, August, is lighting the fireplace. The ninth child, September, is painting a picture. The 10th child, October, is doing yoga. The 11th child, November, is doing her homework. What is the name of the 12th child, and what is he/she doing?
Answer: The name of the 12th child is Fiona, and she is playing chess with March. Fiona is the name of the 12th child because this is FIONA'S mother. And Fiona is playing chess with March because most of the aforementioned activities require only one person to do, except for playing chess; that activity requires two players.
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