Old Noll's Riddle

Author: Bonnie Canizaro
1 year ago

Riddle: Purple, yellow, red, and green, The king cannot reach it, nor yet the queen; Nor can Old Noll, whose power is great. Tell me this riddle while I count to eight.
Answer: A rainbow.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/11114
Purple, yellow, red, and green, The king cannot reach it, nor yet the queen; Nor can Old Noll, whose power is great. Tell me this riddle while I count to eight.
Old Noll's Riddle by Bonnie Canizaro v1.

Riddle: Purple, yellow, red, and green, The king cannot reach it, nor yet the queen; Nor can Old Noll, whose power is great. Tell me this riddle while I count to eight. Answer: A rainbow.
by Bonnie Canizaro v2.