Riddle: We first appeared outside in the early 1940s during World War II. Our construction was a simple mixture of glass and aluminum, with a flexible entrance that kept out unwanted intrusions. We were not migratory and never slept -- even at nighttime. The famous movie director, Alfred Hitchcock, once used one of us in his movie "The Birds" back in 1963, which resulted in some shattered glass. A famous "lady" once described us as being, "like a lighthouse on the highway", as we were easily seen at nighttime. In the year 2000, there were more than two million of us in existence, but as of 2020, our numbers have quickly declined, and there are now fewer than 100,000 of us remaining in the United States. We were greatly honored in 2015 when someone nominated us for inclusion into the National Register of Historic Places in the state of Arkansas. Who/what are we?
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