Riddle: How do you clean a dirty tuba?
Answer: With a tuba toothpaste!
Riddle: What kind of room has no doors or windows?
Answer: A mush-room.
Riddle: What does an Aardark like on its pizza?
Answer: Ant-chovies.
Funny Riddles
Riddle: What is black and white, black and white, black and white and green?
Answer: Three skunks eating a pickle.
Riddle: A snail drew an s on his car. Why?
Answer: So people can see the S CAR GO.
Funny Riddles
Riddle: How did the farmer fix his jeans?
Answer: With a cabbage patch!
Riddle: What did the pirate captain say, when his crew turned down the volume of his favorite movie/musical?
Answer: "Yaaar! This be Mute-Annie!"
Funny Riddles
Riddle: How are people like animals?
Answer: We have bare (bear) feet, frogs in our throats, calves in our legs and bull on our tongues.
Riddle: How do you know if there's an elephant under your bed?
Answer: You bump your nose on the ceiling.
Riddle: How are a fly and a mosquito different?
Answer: A mosquito can fly, but a fly cannot mosquito.
Riddle: How can you eat and study at the same time?
Answer: Eat alphabet soup.
Riddle: Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Answer: Because 7,8,9. (Because seven ate nine.)
Riddle: Many years ago a boy and a girl are planning to run off and get married. But the boy got cold feet and needed to tell the girl. He wanted to send a telegram, but only had enough money for one word. What one word did he send?
Answer: Cantaloupe.
Riddle: What's wide at the bottom, narrow at the top, and has ears?
Answer: A mountain with mountainears
Riddle: How do you send Easter Cards?
Answer: By hare mail!
Riddle: Holding two swords and eight spears and dressed in a cow-leather tunic, I peek through a hole in the door. What am I?
Answer: A Crab.
Riddle: A traveling circuit judge and a local constable had friendly discussions about how to handle misbehavior in their city. This involves burglars, robbers, cattle rustlers, drunks, and ladies of the night. The options they discussed were to put them in jail, run them out of town, warn them, or try to rehabilitate them with books, music, and art. Since the circuit judge traveled, much of this correspondence have to be by telegraph. One day the constable apprehended a lady of the night and telegraphed the circuit judge asking what to do. He described her as being young and having just taken the wrong path. The circuit judge wanted to respond to the constable. But when he got to the telegraph office realized he had only enough money to send one word. What one word did he send?
Answer: Horticulture.
Riddle: What is that which never uses its teeth for eating purposes?
Answer: A comb.
Riddle: What is a sheep's favorite type of chocolate?
Answer: A Hersheys baaa.
Riddle: What did the baby robot say to his mom?
Answer: "I love you watts and watts."