I have three USA coins. They are not a quarter, dime or penny and they add up to 60 cents.
What are the coins?
Answer: A 50 cent piece and 2 nickels.
When is the best time to have lunch?
Answer: After breakfast.
What did the pen say to the paper?
Answer: Lets run away and WRITE
A forest exists somewhere on Earth. This forest has no life except for trees. After a storm, a tree was hit by lightning and falls.
What sound would it make?
Answer: None. Sound does not exist if it is unheard.
What word is spelled the same way front and backward?
Answer: Racecar is racecar backwards.
What is 1/2 of 1/4 of 2/9 of 3/7 of 84?
Answer: The answer is 1. 3/7 of 84 = 36 2/9 of 36 = 8 1/4 of 8 = 2 1/2 of 2 = 1
What can go up a chimney down, but cannot go down a chimney up?
Answer: An umbrella.