Question: i cool u down, i spin around quite fast.what am i?
Answer: im a fan
Question: what has 4 legs in the morning, two at noon, and 3 in the evening?
Answer: man
Question: I am everywhere you look, no matter time of day. You can see me in the people's faces as they walk away. I've been around forever, I am not about to leave. Many have fought to save me, because it's what they believe. I have been at every war, since the first I can remember. And suprisingly enough, in those days I was lost every december. What am I?
Answer: The Human life.
Question: I am the begining of everything the end of life the begining of the end the end of every place
Answer: E
Question: When I am backwards I am one hundreth of me.
Answer: The Number 100
Question: If you know its there then its not there but if dont know its there then its there. what is it?
Answer: A secret
Question: I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?
Answer: a splinter
Question: what is light but sometimes dark? what can be walked on but you cannot live on? what has holes but are not seeable?
Answer: the moon
Question: what goes up but doesn't come down
Answer: your age
Question: I am watched all over the world and the bigest event ever to be seen. What am I?
Answer: Wrestlemania