Question: Blow me up
Again today
When you are done,
I fly away.
You will find me near a cake.
You could find me near a snake.
What am I?
Answer: A balloon,
You blow a balloon up,
they fly away when you are done with them,
you find them at birthdays, which usually have cakes,
you could also find them at a zoo, which usually have snakes
Question: My beauty is enticing,
If you think you are beautiful.
Rise and shine, I see you at your worst
Regularly checked
Only, though, if you like what you see
Remember, I am like a window, but you can’t see through me
Question: A man walks up to you and says - "everything I say to you is a lie."
Is he telling you the truth or is he lying?
Answer: He's lying. Even though he's lying when he says "everything" he says is a lie, some of the things he says can be a lie, and this is one of them.
Question: I am greater than God, more evil than Satan.
Rich men need me, poor men have me.
And If you eat me you will die.
What am I?
Answer: Nothing-
Because nothing is greater than God or more Evil than Satan.
Rich men need nothing, and poor men have nothing.
and if you continue to eat nothing long enough, you 'will' die.