Question: I pass before the sun yet make no shadow, what am I?
Answer: wind
Question: it is greater than god

more evil than the devil

poor people have it

rich people need it

if you eat it you will die
Answer: nothing
Question: there are 3 cars they are a ferrari, dodge viper and a car called hit the ferrari comes first and the dodge viper comes second whitch car comes last
Question: If a rooster went on top of a roof and layed an egg at the very top and the wind was going blowing east which way would the egg roll?
Answer: There was no egg,roosters don't lay eggs!!!
Question: Romeo and Juliet are found dead on the floor in a bedroom. When they were discovered, there were pieces of glass and some water on the floor. The only furniture in the room is a shelf and a bed. The house in is a remote location, away from everything except for the nearby railway track. What caused the death of Romeo and Juliet?
Answer: Romeo and Juliet are fish. The rumble of the train knocked the tank off the shelf.
Question: There is a man and he is locked in a steel room, with NO windows and NO doors...all he has is a piece of wood and a saw he cuts the wood in half but how does he get out?
Answer: he puts both halves together and makes a WHOLE!
Question: On clear days I search in silence,
my cool eye a shade of pale;
In billowing thickness with glaring red eye,
I screech and wail.
My power keeps you from the glow.
Ever-ready, you'll know to go.
Effete, you'll probably be too slow.
Answer: A smoke detector.

clear days - no smoke, the light is clear.
thickness - smoke, the light is red, it goes off.
Ever-ready - like the battery brand.
Effete - no power, it won't work.
Question: What gets bigger as you take things out of it (2 answers) ?
Answer: A hole, or a room.
Question: What has 4 eye/i s, but cannot see?
Answer: mississippi has four i but cannot see
Question: The rich want it,but the poor have it,god taks it,satin gives it?
Answer: nothing