Question: You throw away the outside an dcook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
Answer: Corn on the coab/a chicken
Question: What has holes but holds water?
Answer: a sponge
Question: Marco and his brother Mike go on a trip. The look south they see the earth they look north they see stars how is this posible?
Answer: They are in space!
Question: The maker doesn't want it. The buyer doesn't use it. The user never sees it. What is it?
Answer: A coffin
Question: What word sounds like this?
Answer: This
Question: What starts with T ends with T and has lots of letters in between?
Answer: Tea pot
Question: du befindest dich in einem wuerfelfoermigem raum komplett aus glass, wo alle fenster nach sueden sehen. du siest einen bear welche farbe hat der baer?
Answer: weis, du musst am nordpol sein damit alle fenster nach nsueden sehen.
Question: when you know me i am nothing but when you don't know me i am nothing. what am i?
Answer: A RIDDLE
Question: I am larger in daytime, and smaller at nighttime. What am I? Note: There is only one correct answer.
Answer: A cat's eye.
Question: what we cannot have for breakfast?
Answer: lunch and dinner