Question: What word has more letter's than alphabet's?
Answer: post office
Question: what do you call twins?
Answer: family
Question: there was a 17 year boy . he waas driving the wrong way in a one way a police man stop him and gave him a ticket at the end the police payed the ticket
Answer: it was the police man's son
Question: you are driving along when you see a dog in the road there are no lights on and when you stop the car in front of the dog the dog doesnt make a noise
How did you see the dog?
Answer: its daylight!
Question: what can't we have for breakfast?
Answer: lunch and dinner
Question: What is the difference betweenan a shiny new penny,and an old dirty quarter?
Answer: 24 cents
Question: What has no legs but can run.
Answer: Water.
Question: A rooster lays an egg on a roof, what way does the egg roll, east or west?
Answer: Roosters dont lay eggs!
Question: Why was 6 scared of 7?
Answer: Because 7 8 9!
Question: i am whight but not a cloud i am born in litters of many colors what am i
Answer: a white kitten