Question: where do fish stay?
Answer: finland
Question: It is greater than God,
More evil than Satan,
The poor have it,
The rich need it.

What is it?
Answer: Nothing
Question: There Are 6 Men And They Each Have One Bascket Ad Each Bascket Contains Six CAts Each Cat Have Six Kittens And They All Are Healthy.
How Many Legs are There?
Answer: No. Of Cats=36 No. Of Kittens= 216= 36+216= 252=252*4=1008 No. Legs Of Men=12=1008+12=1020
Question: I am everywhere, I can be a friend or a deadly foe, I love to fight, I can go easy or kill you as easy as please, I can never be beaten for long and all have fought me before, I will get you eventually and when I do I will win, I am always, I will out live mountains and seas and mankind and i am all ways there, what am i
Answer: I am bacteria
Question: a man cycled across a bridge but yethe walked.

Answer: because the man cycled but yethe the dog walked
Question: if a plane lands on the bordres of the united states and candna where do you bury the surviers?
Answer: nowere your not so post to bury surviers.
Question: two in a corner
one in a room
zero ina house
but one in a shelter?
What am I?
Answer: the letter r
Question: The person who builds it, doesn't need it,
The person who buys it doesn't use it,
The person that uses it doesn't know it...
What is it?
Answer: A Coffin!!!!
Question: i am wild but can be controlled.
i breathe air but die if i touch water
what am i ???
Answer: a fire
Question: how do u make a barrel lighter that has 50 litres of water in it
Answer: put a hole in it