Question: Across the waters I stretch.
But, I rest not upon them.
What am I?
Answer: A Bridge
Question: a box without hinges,key or lid
yet golden tresures inside is hid
what am i?????????
Answer: an egg
Question: The maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't need it, and the user can't see it... What is it?
Answer: a coffin.
Question: I light Up your life
I inspire your soul
A gift to mankind
Not easily given
What am I?
Answer: Fire
Question: helibuckets?
Answer: yes its the helicopter that has water in it.
Question: adam is reading but his brother off the light but he still continue reading why?
Answer: because he is blind and he is using braille to read
Question: What animal which it's name is three letters long take away the first letter and you have bigger animal.
Answer: Fox take away the F and you have an ox
Question: Where in the world is the only United States Flag that will never be lowered, raised, saluted and will never age?
Answer: On the moon
Question: A shield to hold in your hand
but no arrows shall I block
A bowl that will no water hold
a stick to hold above your head
When you take a walk
Answer: An umbrella
Question: what has 4 feet in the morning
2 feet in the afternoon
and 3 feet in the evening
Answer: man