Question: what has 8 letters 3 words 1 meaning?
Answer: i love you
Question: A rooster lays an egg on the exact center of a roof. Which way does the egg fall? (to the left or the right)
Answer: Roosters don't lay eggs.
Question: What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
Answer: Nothing
Question: What am I?
Answer: I am a cool riddle!
Question: Before mount everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain?
Answer: Mount Everest. It was the tallest even before it was discovered!
Question: Just a country boy. born and raised to south detroit! took the midnight train going any where.
just a city girl. livin in this lonely world! took the midnight train going any where!!!!!! nuh nuh nah nuh nuh! took the midnight train going on and on and on and on!!!
Answer: Just a country boy. born and raised to south detroit! took the midnight train going any where.
just a city girl. livin in this lonely world! took the mifnight train going any where!!!!!! nuh nuh nah nuh nuh! took the midnight train going on and on and on and on!!!

P.S. i would like this to be a 5 star riddle because journey is a really good band and they have good ideas for songs.
Question: Josh has 9 coins. There are three different coins. Altogether he has 80 cents.
What are the coins and how many of those coins are there?
Answer: Quarter: 1
Dimes: 3
Nickels: 5
Question: My name starts with a K and ends in a N. What is my name?
Answer: Kristen
Question: What has five sometimes four hands but is normal?
Answer: A person wearing a non didigal wrist-watch,
Their two hands
the minite hand
the hour hand
and sometimes the second hand.
Question: a rich man had an oval shaped house. He had a wife, and a dauhgter. His wife was at work and he went to pick her up. wen he came home his daugter was dead. He asked the chef, butler, and maid who did it. the chef said that he was making lunch, th butler said he was preparing the table, and the maid said that she was sweeping the corners. who did it?
Answer: the maid, in an oval shaped house there are no corners.