Question: Two cars were involved in an accident in the center of town. The man who was driving a little green car, had overtaken a big black car. The driver had misjudged the distance between him and the on-coming traffic and had to swerve back in, causing the black car to swerve and crash into a shop window. When the occupants of the cars were examined everyone in the green car was okay, but in the black car was one dead man. However, the driver of the green car was not charged with manslaughter, why was this so?
Answer: The black car was a hearse and was on it's way to a funeral.
Question: Lynn likes grapes but not potatoes. She likes squash but not lettuce, and she likes peas but not onions. Following the same rule, will she like pumpkins or apples?
Answer: Pumpkins. Lynn only likes things that grow on vines.
Question: Die without me,
Never thank me.
Walk right through me,
Never feel me.
Always watching,
Never speaking.
Always lurking,
Never seen.
What am I?
Question: There was a pirate he went on a island he saw a small monkey. He liked the monkey so he took it. Then the pirate went to sail again but they needed food and the monkey needed food aswell so the pirates helper said to send him away. the pirate took the monkey to the furthest island with only sand no trees only sand and the water was very very very deep. How did the monkey come off the island?
Answer: How will a small monkey know if you didn't know.
Question: what can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never weeps, has a head but never weeps.
Question: a guy is in a house for 3 months nobody visits him.he locks all the doors and closes all the lights for a result that 100 people die.what house is he in?
Question: Robert and David played several golf matches against each other in a week. They played for a pizza at each match, but no pizzas were purchased until the end of the week. If at any time Robert and David had the same number of wins, those pizzas were canceled. Robert won four matches (but no pizzas), and David won three pizzas. How many rounds of golf were played?
Answer: Eleven, David won 7 matches, 4 to cancel out Robert's 4 wins, and 3 more to win the pizzas.