Question: How far can you run into a forest?

Question: A woman wraped from head to toe in black, kneeling beside here dead husband. What am I ?
Answer: a black widow spider
Question: who pulled excalibur out of the stone?noah or moses?
Answer: neither it was king authur
Question: What table has no legs?
Answer: Times Tables!
Question: The maker makes it, the buyer buys it but he does not use it but when he does use it, he does not know he is using it.
Answer: Coffin
Question: whatgrows bigger the more you take from it??
Answer: a hole in the ground
Question: What is the massage try to say: 07734

(Try to right down the number in the paper)
Answer: The answer is: hello
Question: It has a bed but dosen't sleep, it has a mouth but never eats and it is always running, never walks.
Answer: river
Question: so theres this guy who walks up to a jail house. the guy gaurding the jail house said "you must be realated to this man to visit him" then the man wanting to visit says "brothers and sisters i have none but this mans father is my fathers son"
how is he (the man visiting) realated to the guy in jail?
Answer: the man visiting was the guy in jails father.
Question: why did the cat run from the dog?
Answer: because he saw a rat..cats chase rats