Question: The More you take the More you leave behind! What is is???
Answer: Steps...or you keep moving up and backwards is behind you. Or like its when you walk.
Question: What's the next number?

3 3 5 4 4 3 5 5 4 _______
Answer: The next number is 3.

one has 3 letters, two has 3 letters, three has 5 letters..............ten (the next number in line) has 3 letters
Question: Only one color, but not one size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies,
Present in the sun, but not in the rain,
Doing no harm and feeling no pain.
Answer: A shadow
Question: How could a cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay two days, and ride out on Friday?
Answer: friday is the name of his horse
Question: The feild where I battle is stained red and black, and all of my troops are armed for attack. Though many will die, no blood will be spilled, and no one will lay on the spot where they're killed. If fortune prevailes and some come back to life, the most likely one to return is my wife, for though I'm immortal, she is the strongest. Sometimes we're defeated if we take the longest. Who are we?
Answer: You are the king on a chessboard, your wife is the queen, and your troops are the knights, bishops, rooks, and pawns.
Question: The person that makes it does'nt want it.
The person that buys it does'nt need it.
The person that uses it does'nt know it.
They come in black, brown, or white.
What is it?
Answer: A coughin
Question: What goes up but never comes down?

Related: Easy Riddles
Answer: a balloon filed with helium

misspelt versions answere:
a balooon fild wif helum
Question: you are in a race you have just gone past the person in second place, what place are you in now?
Answer: 2nd because you havn't gone past the first person yet!
Question: If two coins equal thirty cents and one of them wasn't a nickle ,what will the two coins be. remember one of them isnt a nickle.
Answer: a quater and a nickle because it says that "one of the two coins isnt a nickle"
Question: what occurs once in a minute,twice in moment and never in a thousand years
Answer: letter m