Question: Im a bird in the
the Bush
Answer: Did u read me with just 1 the or 2?
Question: what am i ?
i start walking on 4 legs
then i walk on 2 legs
then i walk on 3 legs
Answer: i am a man

i start walking

then crawling

then i walk with a cane
Question: You will kill me, but you will cry. What am I?
Answer: An onion.
Question: how many times can you subtract 6 from 30
Answer: one after that it is not 30 any more
Question: There was a frog that was not born from an egg how is this possibule
Answer: It was born from a human
Question: I like homework.I like math.I like to give out home work.I ask many questions.I am smart.I like kids sometimes.I am part of a group.

What Am I?
Answer: I am a human teacher
Question: What goes down, but never goes up?
Answer: rain
Question: which room is safer? an empty room? or a room full of lion that havent eaten in 3 months?
Answer: they'd both be safe. because the lions that havent eaten in 3 months would be dead.
Question: what goes through towns up hills but never moves?
Answer: a road
Question: If a rooster lays an egg on top of a house with an angle of an upside-down v ( /\ ). What side does the egg fall down? The left or the right?
Answer: Roosters can't lay eggs.