Question: there are 3 words in the english language that end in g-r-y. angry and hungry are 2 of them!
what is the 3rd? the 3rd is used by every one everyday! and if you read this again carefully, u will see the answer!
Question: There are very fewwords in th Englishlanuage that end it "gry". One hungry and another angry, there is a third one. What is the third word in the English language?
Answer: Language, if youdont get it justread the last sentence overto your self.
Question: What is better than god,worst than the devil,the poor have it,the rich need it,and if you eat it you will die?
Answer: NOTHING,
Nothing is better than god,nothing is worst than the devil,the poor have nothing,the rich need nothing, and if you eat nothing you will die!
Question: a boy lived in a flat on the 20th floor.
he went in the lift
presed 1.
went downstairs.
and went to school.
he came home.
went in the lift.
presed 10.
and walked the other 10.
Answer: because he could not reach the 20th floor button