Question: No arms. No legs. Yet I will carry your voice thousands of miles. What am I?

Related: Easy Riddles
Answer: A telephone.
Question: What's black and white and red all over?
Answer: a newspaper
Question: Were in the club ballas have a casadea?
Answer: Kind of Not
Question: John had a ship ''what'' was the ship's name.
Answer: what!
Question: harry's mom have 3 childs. the first one was called tom the second was calledd david what was the third one called?
Answer: harry becauses in the beginning it was like harry's mom
Question: A butcher is five feet tall, eleven inchese. What does he weigh?
Answer: Meat. Had i ask how much he weigth, then thats a different story.
Question: A man was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister. But he had done nothing wrong.How is this possible?
Answer: The man was born before his father(in front of him), his mom died in child birth, later he grew up to be a minister and married his sister.
Question: There was a doctor, a buttler, a maid and two rich people. The next day they saw that their precious diamond was missing. They questioned the buttler. I was just trying to hide the diamond between pages 31 and 32. Why was the buttler arrested?
Answer: If you look inside any book, you can see that pages 31 and 32 are not connected.
Question: From the beginning of eternity to the end of time and space i am in every place.What am I?
Answer: the letter e
Question: Birta killed millions of people. Butas not sent to jail. Why is this???
Answer: Birta was a hurricane!!!