Question: if your in a race and you pass the person in second place what do you become
Answer: 2nd
Question: Can god make a borito so hot that he cant eat it?
Answer: There is none because god can do anything.
Question: What goes From New york to California without moving?
Answer: I dont know the answer
Question: What runs but never walks, Has a mouth but never talks?
Answer: A River
Question: There are 2 coins and they add up to 30 cents but one isnt a nickle
Answer: A quarter and a nickle because i said 1 wasnt a nickle so it was a quarter and the OTHER was a nickle -Ownage from scrubs
Question: You are walking on a path when it splits. There are 2 men standing in the middle of the "Y". One ALWAYS tells the truth, the other ALWAYS tells lies. You are allowed only 1 question. What do you ask to find out the right path?
*HINT*- You can ask both guys the same question.
Answer: You ask one of the guys "which way would the other guy point?" They both will say the same path and you take the other.
Question: Break me and i will repair myself, remove me and i will die. What am I?
Answer: A heart
Question: I have four spheres but I am not round. I am in a prison of water but I do not drown. What am I?
Answer: Human Brain
Question: What is Mightier than God and more evil than the Devil?

Poor people have it and rich people want it.

If you eat it it will kill you.

What is it?
Answer: NOTHING!!!
Question: I am light, I am warmth
As hot as burning coal
I am a disaster just waiting to happen
and I am a miracle maker

What am I?
Answer: Fire