Question: What comes once in a millenium once in a century twice in a decade 0 times in a month twice in a week 0 times in a day 0 times in an hour once in a minute and once in a second
Answer: the letter E
Question: Eve has two and Adam has none. What is it?
Answer: the letter e
Question: "The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end,
And the end of every place."
Hint: It's in front of you right now.
Answer: The Letter "E"
Question: i am green on the outside and red in the inside and have blackness within. What am i
Answer: Watermelon
Question: The more it grows,
The less you see,
What is it?
Answer: Darkness
Question: I'm part of the bird
that's not in the sky
i can swim in the water
and yrt remane dry
what am i?
Answer: A shadow
Question: What's up all night, gone all day, does'nt eat, does'nt sleep and has many faces?
Answer: The Moon
Question: if there was a duck and a pig... which one is heavier?
Answer: work it out your self.
Question: if you walk into a room with no walls, windows, or doors how do u get out?
Answer: you dont, because there is no room to walk into
Question: will you please say something.
Answer: something