Question: kmx
Answer: nsx
Question: This stick is the king for it makes the rules. What is it?
Answer: It is the ruler
Question: The maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't need it, and the user can't see it... What is it?
Answer: a coffin.
Question: You have a safe in a closet of your house, you put $525 inside of it and close it. You open it the next month and it is gone. Where is it?
Answer: You spent it, I never said you didn't open it before that (:
Question: What is black and white and red all over
Answer: A newspaper because it is black and white and people read it all over
Question: A man is standing on a platform shooting birds. From the ground to the platform is 20 ft.. From the man to the to the tip of the gun is 4 ft.. How many feet is the man standing on?
Answer: 2 Feet.
Question: what kind of nails do carpenters hate to hit?
Answer: fingernails
Question: This is a house. It can move in, out, up and down, surrounded by a white picket fence and has red eath and sky. What am I?
Answer: Your Tongue.
Question: what do vampires cross the sea in?
Answer: blood vessels!
Question: Little Nancy Etticoat,
In a white petticoat,
And a red nose.
The longer she stands,
The shorter she grows.

What am I?
Answer: a Candle.