Question: I am A Toy Iam a be any colour. I go up and down
Evrey One Stand on me and Bounce
Answer: The pogo stick
Question: You can use me to shoot others
But they wont die,
You fill me up
So that I cant lie.

What am I?
Answer: A Camera
Question: your in a room with a table and a mioor how did i get out.
Answer: i looked in the miorr i aee what i saw i take the saw i cut the table in half 2 halves make a whole and i crawled out of the whole.
Question: I come once in yaer, twice in week, and once in second. What am I?
Answer: The letter e
Question: If there are three cups of sugar and you take one away, how many do you have?
Answer: One, the one you took away
Question: I have many tooth that you use everyday, who am I?
Answer: a comb
Question: the electric train was going from east to west and the wind was going north to south. Which way was the smoke going?
Answer: it had no smoke because it was electric
Question: What do you get when you cross a donkey, and another donkey?
Answer: Two donkeys!
Question: I can show any person or anything, but they will not move so asleep they may seam. I surround these people or these things, with a border that is sure to please.
Answer: A picture
Question: What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
Answer: a stamp