Question: I can fill up any space
In an instant I can fill up a room
With a flip of the switch you can hide in me
With another flip you are revealed and I dissappear
I am the opposite of all things nice
And tend to shelter people when they don't want to be found?

Tell me for I don't know, what is my identity?
Answer: I am Darkness.
Question: What is between heavan and earth?
Answer: and!!
Question: What can go up the chimney down
But down the chimney up?
Answer: An Umbrella
Question: Fruit flies like banana.
Answer: "FRUITFLIES" do like bananas!!
Question: I am more holy then god yet more vil then the devil, rich people need me yet poor people have me. What am I?
Answer: I am nothing, poor people have nothing, nothing is more hoyl then God nothing is more evil then the devil and rich people need nothing.
Question: what is ugly % pretty, tall & short, fat & thin, attractive & inattrative?
Answer: living thing
Question: What's Black and white and read all over?
Answer: A newspapper
Question: (this isn't mine. I got it from a book, so don't sue me or something if someone here read it before)

What is your's but everyone else uses more than you?
Answer: Your Name.
Question: What force and strangth cannot get through,
I with a gentle touch can do,
and many in the street would stand,
were I not a friend at hand.
Answer: A key that opens a lock.
Question: why was 6 afraid of 7 ?
Answer: 7,8,9 hehehehehehehe( seven ate nine?)