Question: wy did silly billy dream of him in space
Answer: because he needed some space
Question: What breaks, but never falls? What falls, but never breaks?
Answer: Daybreak and Nightfall
Question: I run all day but cannot walk,
i have a mouth yet i do not talk.

what am i?
Answer: A River
Question: I am something some people have. I am something some people don't. Without me your time of living is dull. Yet i can never be seen but be told you have none by someone. What am i?
Answer: A life
Question: What does a poor man have that a rich man can't?
What can fill a barrel but not a cup?
What is delicious but has no flavor?
What can sing a song but has no mouth?
Answer: Nothing!
Question: Here on earth it is true, yesterday is always before today; but there is a place where yesterday always follows today. Where?
Answer: in the dictionary
Question: How do you know when a computer monitor is sad?
Answer: When it breaks down
Question: Your Amish, you have no lighting, no heat, and your in the middle of winter. You have a carasene lamp, matches, kindling wood to put in your wood stove and candles. What do you light first?
Answer: The matches.
Question: An airplane flying from the United States to Canada crashes on the border of the two countries. Where do they bury the survivors?
Answer: You don't bury survivors
Question: a man walks into a bar and asked for some water and amidelitly pulls out a gun and the guy who asked for the water got scared and then walked out and said thank you. What just happened?
Answer: The man who needed the water had the