Question: What gets wetter the more it drys??
Answer: A Towel!!
Question: You are in a room that has no doors or windows. No exit at all. All that is in there is you, a mirror, and a wooden table. How do you get out?
Answer: You look in the mirror and see what you saw, you take the saw, saw the table in half, two halves make a whole, crawl through the hole and get out.
Question: There are 4 borthers 3 of them want to buy a television which is 30pounds. Each of them pay 10 pound each they give the moneyto the fourth brother and asked him to go into town and buy the television. When he got there the man said there was 5 pounds off so the fourth brother took the 5 pound and television and left. He decided to make some money out of this so he took 2 pounds and give the other 3 pounds to his brothers. So the 3 brothers only payed 9 pounds each. 3times 9 is 27 were is the last pound?
Answer: Add 3 on to 25 = 28 then add 2
Question: A plane crashed and every single person on board this flight were killed, yet, there were survivors. Explain how?
Answer: The married people lived; the singles died.
Question: What can go up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up?
Answer: An umbrella
Question: cry baby

You can take off all of my skin
and I will not cry
but YOU will
Why ?
Answer: i´m an onion

Question: I have many tongues but cannot taste
By me, most things are turned to waste
I crack and snap, yet I stay whole
I may take the largest toll
I assisted all of the first men
And I will pay them back again
Around me, people snuggle and sleep
Yet run when I am released from my keep
I jump around and leap and bound
The cold man wishes I he had found
Answer: Fire
Question: I took a picture of my self but the camera lens wan't facing me.

How did i get my self in the picture?

Related: Brain Teasers
Answer: The camera lens were facing a mirror.
Question: There were two scientists who were looking through the woods. They found two people on the ground who where dead. They examined the two people and said they were the first people on earth. How did they know?
Answer: The two people didn't have any belly buttons.
Question: There is a cabin in the woods. There are no footprints around the cabin. There are seven people inside that are all dead. They all died at the same time. There is no one else in the cabin. How did the people die?
Answer: It's an airplane cabin. They crashed in the woods.