Question: A box without hinges key or lid
Yet a golden treasure inside is hid
Answer: An Egg!
(fooled you there)
Question: a man could carry 20 arrows. 5 arrows to kill a bear, 3 for a wolf and 1 to kill a deer. if i make you go to the forest and you see a bear and a wolf fighting over a deer, which animal can you kill?
Answer: NONE! you were given NO ARROWS!
Question: A rich man needs something?
A poor man has something?
If you eat something you will die.
Answer: nothing, because a rich man neeeds nothing, a poor man has nothing and if you eat nothing you'll die.
Question: what is clear, but easily gets dirty. it is sometimes hard, but mostly not. somethings can live in it, but if we do well die. it might not sound important, but yes it is, and without it there will bbe no life.
Answer: water!
Question: There are 3 missionaries and 3 cannibals that need to cross a river. There is only 1 way across the river and that is by boat. There is only 1 boat and only 2 people at a time may cross the river in the boat. You cannot have more cannibals than missionaries on one side of the river or else the cannibals will eat the missionaries and you fail. How can you get all 3 missionaries and all 3 cannibals across the river in one piece?

Hint: The cannibals cannot eat each other
Answer: This is the 12 step process for completing this brain corker. I will call the starting place side A and the destination side B.

1) Send 1 cannibal and 1 missionary across the river.

2) Drop off the cannibal at side B and send back the missionary to side A.

3) Drop off the missionary at side A and send over 2 cannibals to side B.

4)Drop 1 off at side B and then go back to side A.

5) Drop off the cannibal at Side A and send over 2 missionaries.

6) Drop 1 off at side B, then pick up a cannibal from side B and go back to side A.

7) Drop off the cannibal at side A and pick up a missionary from Side.

8) Drop off both missionaries at side B and then send 1 cannibal from side B back.

9) Pick up a cannibal from side A and take him to side B.

10) Drop 1 off at side B and go back to side A.

11) Pick up the final cannibal from side A and take him over to side B.

12) Drop off both cannibals.

And that's all there to it!
A lot of people think it's impossible but it's really simple when you use the right logic.
Question: A man Called Martin smoked since he was 18. When he was 48 he gave up smoking, But when he was 63, Marin Had an Heart Attack. How can This be Possable? He doesnt smoke anymore.
Answer: By 40 Years Of Smoking, He would SURELY be dead by then
Question: What's white and flies up?
Answer: A confused snowflake
Question: brothers or sisters have i none but that mans father is my fathers son who is that man
Answer: i am my fathers son so that mans father must be me so that man must be my son
Question: What runs but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
Answer: A river
Question: When a virgin gives birth,
She throws away the draper.
Answer: Banana blossoms.