Riddle: There was a doctor, a buttler, a maid and two rich people. The next day they saw that their precious diamond was missing. They questioned the buttler. I was just trying to hide the diamond between pages 31 and 32. Why was the buttler arrested?
Answer: If you look inside any book, you can see that pages 31 and 32 are not connected.
Who is the suspect? Riddle Meme.
Who is the suspect? Riddle Meme.
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New Years Riddles are hand picked New Years Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This new years riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the New Years Riddles quiz page.
10 Best Riddles For Kids are hand picked 10 Best Riddles For Kids for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This 10 best riddles for kids quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the 10 Best Riddles For Kids quiz page.