Who Goes Fishing?

Published: Nov 30, 1999
Riddle: In this riddle you must assort the information given in order to find out who goes fishing.

* There are 5 houses of 5 different colours: blue, green, red, white, yellow
* In each house lives a person of a different nationality: American, Australian, British, Canadian, Irish
* Each of the 5 house-owners has a certain job: carpenter, lawyer, pilot, plumber, waiter
* Each of the 5 house-owners has a certain hobby: chess, fishing, football, sailing, tennis
* Each of the 5 house-owners has a certain pet: cat, dog, goldfish, hamster, horse

None of them have the same pet, job or hobby.
Other facts

* The Irishman lives in the green house.
* The red house is on the immediate left of the white house.
* The person in the red house is a pilot.
* The American plays chess.
* The Canadian is a waiter.
* The person with the horse lives next to the one who plays tennis.
* The person who goes sailing lives next to the one with the cat.
* The person with the goldfish plays football.
* The person in the blue house has a cat.
* The Briton has a hamster.
* The Australian lives next to the yellow house.
* The person with the horse has a neighbour who is a plumber.
* The person in the center house is a lawyer.
* The Australian lives in the first house.
* The dog owner is a carpenter.

Question: Who goes fishing?

1. The American
2. The Australian
3. The Briton
4. The Canadian
5. The Irishman
Answer: The Briton
Who goes fishing? Riddle Meme.
Who goes fishing? Riddle Meme.
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