Riddle: You are going through the woods into town. You have never traveled this trail before and you come upon a fork in the trail. There are two identicle brothers, each standing at opposite parts of the fork. One of the brothers always tells the truth and the other always lies. You can only ask ONE question. How do you find out which way to go?
Answer: Ask either one: "If I ask your brother which way to go to get into town, which way will he tell me to go?" No matter which one you ask, you will know to go the opposite direction they say.


1) If you ask the brother who always tells the truth, he will tell you what his lying brother would say (being the wrong direction)
2) If you ask the brother who always lies, he will lie about the fact that the brother would give you the right direction, and tell you the wrong direcion.

fork in the road Riddle Meme.
fork in the road Riddle Meme.
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