Riddle: if there were 2 children and 1 parent and they go shoe shopping and they spend ?$.................................................................................................................................................
but there is a sell 2 for 1 for 39.99$ ................................................. i guess you are wondering what the question mark stand for well what you have to figure out is how much money they spend all togeter and also what do you have to do to figure out the answer
Answer: like is said figure out the answer and send it to my email address daneziat001@sbcglobal.net
hard thinking Riddle Meme.
hard thinking Riddle Meme.
April Fools Day Riddles are hand picked April Fools Day Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This april fools day riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the April Fools Day Riddles quiz page.
St Patricks Day Riddles are hand picked St Patricks Day Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This st patricks day riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the St Patricks Day Riddles quiz page.
Mothers Day Riddles are hand picked Mothers Day Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This mothers day riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the Mothers Day Riddles quiz page.