Riddle: a man walks out his house and enters his car wich is right up front. he gets in and he has a gun in the glove compartment. all windows are up, all doors are locked. he goes around the block, and stops at a stop sign. he gets shot and died instantly. the gun in the glove compartment never went off. he had no extra gun. he didnt committ suicide. he was shot by a real gun. there was no one in the car but him, there was no one in the trunk all doors were locked all windows were up and there wasnt any wholes in the car. now how did that man get shot?
Answer: he had a convertible
how can this be? Riddle Meme.
how can this be? Riddle Meme.
Valentines Riddles are hand picked Valentines Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This valentines riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the Valentines Riddles quiz page.
St Patricks Day Riddles are hand picked St Patricks Day Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This st patricks day riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the St Patricks Day Riddles quiz page.
Christmas Riddles are hand picked Christmas Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This christmas riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the Christmas Riddles quiz page.