Riddle: I have no respect for justice.
I maim without killing. I break hearts and ruin lives.
I am cunning, malicious and gather strength with age.
The more i am quoted, the more i am believed.
I flourish at every level of society.
My victims are helpless. They cannot protect themselves against me because i have no name and no face.
To track me down is impossible. The harder you try, the more elusive i become.
I am nobody's friend.
Once i tarnish a reputation, it is never the same.
I topple governments and wreck marriages. I ruin careers and cause sleepsless nights, heartaches and indigestion. I spawn suspicion and generate grief. i make innocent people cry in their pillows. Even my name hisses.
Valentines Riddles are hand picked Valentines Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This valentines riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the Valentines Riddles quiz page.
St Patricks Day Riddles are hand picked St Patricks Day Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This st patricks day riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the St Patricks Day Riddles quiz page.
Christmas Riddles are hand picked Christmas Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This christmas riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the Christmas Riddles quiz page.
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