Riddle: You are standing on the top one of two solid metal pillars. They are both exactly one kilometer apart from each other and they both stand one kilometer high. There is absolutely nothing around these pillars, but you have one small twig, one small rock and an unlimited supply of rope. Usuing only the materials named, how can you get from the top of the pillar that you are on to the top of the other pillar?

Related: Difficult Riddles
Answer: The twig and the rock were simply distractions used to divert you from the real answer. Forget I ever mentioned them. All you need to do is fill the space between you with enough rope that it makes a pile so big that you can walk across it to the other pillar (remember I said you had an unlimited supply of rope).
You are standing on the top one of two solid metal pillars riddle Riddle Meme.
You are standing on the top one of two solid metal pillars riddle Riddle Meme.
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