Who Is The Killer?

Author: sweety.tech.99
4 years ago

Riddle: Everyone in the house was with the owner. Everyone in the house except the owner went outside. When everyone came back The owner was dead. The maid said: I was on break So I went to the beach. The chef said: I was helping the car driver get groceries. The gardener said: I was planting seeds outside. The car driver said he was getting groceries from the shop all alone. Who killed the owner?
Answer: The chef did. When the car driver said he was getting groceries A L O N E. The chef said He was going with the car driver. So it’s the chef.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/9691
Everyone in the house was with the owner. Everyone in the house except the owner went outside. When everyone came back The owner was dead. The maid said: I was on break So I went to the beach. The chef said: I was helping the car driver get groceries. The gardener said: I was planting seeds outside. The car driver said he was getting groceries from the shop all alone. Who killed the owner?
Who is the killer? by sweety.tech.99 v1.

Riddle: Everyone in the house was with the owner. Everyone in the house except the owner went outside. When everyone came back The owner was dead. The maid said: I was on break So I went to the beach. The chef said: I was helping the car driver get groceries. The gardener said: I was planting seeds outside. The car driver said he was getting groceries from the shop all alone. Who killed the owner? Answer: The chef did. When the car driver said he was getting groceries A L O N E. The chef said He was going with the car driver. So it’s the chef.
by sweety.tech.99 v2.