The Riddle Of Sphinx

Author: Dhruv
3 years ago

Riddle: I have 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, 3 legs in the afternoon, and no legs at night, What am I?
Answer: A person! A person crawls on 4 knees when he's a baby, walks on two legs when he's a teenager, has a cane when he's old and does not walk when he's dead
I have 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, 3 legs in the afternoon, and no legs at night, What am I?
The Riddle of Sphinx by Dhruv v1.

Riddle: I have 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, 3 legs in the afternoon, and no legs at night, What am I? Answer: A person! A person crawls on 4 knees when he's a baby, walks on two legs when he's a teenager, has a cane when he's old and does not walk when he's dead
by Dhruv v2.