Riddle: There was a Japanese ship that was sailing, the captain of the ship owned a lot of jewelry, his favorite was his diamond ring. The captain went to take a shower so he put his ring on the table, when he was finished he saw that the ring was gone. He went first to the flag bearer and asked. The flag barer said "how could I have stolen your ring, I was changing the flag because it was upside down. The captain then went to the cook and asked. The cook said "how could I have stolen your ring. I was chopping up the onions for our lunch". The captain then went to the slave and asked. The slave said "how could I have stolen your ring, I was washing the stain out of your shirt like you ordered me to". That day the captain killed one of these three men for theft. Who was it?
Answer: The flag bearer was killed, the Japanese flag cannot be upside down.
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