Exact Weight For Money

Author: Aaliya
5 years ago

Riddle: A child is in a weight booth. A man comes and tells the child 'If I say your exact weight you will pay me £1000. The child agreed and the man won the £1000 pounds. How is this possible?
Answer: The man had made the deal of saying your exact weight so the man said 'your exact weight' get it bet you don't well no one ever understands me....
Source: https://www.riddles.com/8265
A child is in a weight booth. A man comes and tells the child 'If I say your exact weight you will pay me £1000. The child agreed and the man won the £1000 pounds. How is this possible?
Exact weight for money by Aaliya v1.

Riddle: A child is in a weight booth. A man comes and tells the child 'If I say your exact weight you will pay me £1000. The child agreed and the man won the £1000 pounds. How is this possible? Answer: The man had made the deal of saying your exact weight so the man said 'your exact weight' get it bet you don't well no one ever understands me....
by Aaliya v2.