The Kangaroo

Author: Riddles man
5 years ago

Riddle: Riddle time! Think of a number between 2-9 (including those) Multiply your number by 9 You should have 2 digits add them together (27= 2+7 so 9) Subtract your number by 5 Pick the letter that goes with your number (A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 etc.) Think of a country starting with that letter Take the last letter of the country and pick an animal that starts with that letter Take the last letter of the animal to get a color that starts with that letter Put your answer in this format (color) (animal) in (country) ONE PROBLEM SINCE WHEN WAS THERE A ORANGE KANGAROO IN DENMARK?
Answer: When you multiply the number when added it will always equal 9 9-5 =4 4=D Denmark is the most well known area that starts with d K =kangaroo O=orange Orange Kangaroo In Denmark
Riddle time! Think of a number between 2-9 (including those) Multiply your number by 9 You should have 2 digits add them together (27= 2+7 so 9) Subtract your number by 5 Pick the letter that goes with your number (A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 etc.) Think of a country starting with that letter Take the last letter of the country and pick an animal that starts with that letter Take the last letter of the animal to get a color that starts with that letter Put your answer in this format (color) (animal) in (country) ONE PROBLEM SINCE WHEN WAS THERE A ORANGE KANGAROO IN DENMARK?
The kangaroo by Riddles man v1.

Riddle: Riddle time! Think of a number between 2-9 (including those) Multiply your number by 9 You should have 2 digits add them together (27= 2+7 so 9) Subtract your number by 5 Pick the letter that goes with your number (A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 etc.) Think of a country starting with that letter Take the last letter of the country and pick an animal that starts with that letter Take the last letter of the animal to get a color that starts with that letter Put your answer in this format (color) (animal) in (country) ONE PROBLEM SINCE WHEN WAS THERE A ORANGE KANGAROO IN DENMARK? Answer: When you multiply the number when added it will always equal 9 9-5 =4 4=D Denmark is the most well known area that starts with d K =kangaroo O=orange Orange Kangaroo In Denmark
by Riddles man v2.