I'm First Found In Caves, Now Prolific Online; I'm A Depiction, A Drawing

Author: HexManiac601
5 years ago

Riddle: I'm first found in caves, now prolific online; I'm a depiction, a drawing, a symbol, or sign. I'll convey whichever mood you could wish; or for that matter, a fist, flask, or fish. What am I?
Answer: An emoji.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/7554
I'm first found in caves, now prolific online; I'm a depiction, a drawing, a symbol, or sign. I'll convey whichever mood you could wish; or for that matter, a fist, flask, or fish. What am I?
I'm first found in caves, now prolific online; I'm a depiction, a drawing by HexManiac601 v1.

Riddle: I'm first found in caves, now prolific online; I'm a depiction, a drawing, a symbol, or sign. I'll convey whichever mood you could wish; or for that matter, a fist, flask, or fish. What am I? Answer: An emoji.
by HexManiac601 v2.