Gardens In The Sky

Author: Miles Hurley
6 years ago

Riddle: I am spring bloomed petals birthed from Turkish gardens. I am a creature not bound by land or sea I am the champion of human rights. What am I?
Answer: Two lips (tulips). Explanation: Tulips were first cultivated by the Turks as early as 1000AD. The botanical name for tulips, Tulipa, is derived from the Turkish word "tulbend" or "turban", which the flower resembles. It's considered the King of Bulbs. Two lips are part of a person who is not bound by land or sea. People use their lips to speak and protect human rights.  
I am spring bloomed petals birthed from Turkish gardens. I am a creature not bound by land or sea I am the champion of human rights. What am I?
Gardens in the sky by Miles Hurley v1.

Riddle: I am spring bloomed petals birthed from Turkish gardens. I am a creature not bound by land or sea I am the champion of human rights. What am I? Answer: Two lips (tulips).
Tulips were first <span class="ILfuVd" lang="en"><span class="hgKElc">cultivated by the Turks as early as 1000AD. </span></span>The botanical name for <em>tulips</em>, Tulipa, is derived from the <em>Turkish</em> word "tulbend" or "turban", which the flower resembles. It's considered the King of Bulbs.
Two lips are part of a person who is not bound by land or sea.
People use their lips to speak and protect human rights.
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by Miles Hurley v2.