A Room

Author: Audrey
6 years ago

Riddle: You are in a room with no doors or windows. The only objects in the room are a mirror and a table. How do you get out?
Answer: You look in the mirror, you see what you saw, you take the saw, you cut the table in half, two halves make a whole, you jump out the hole!
Source: https://www.riddles.com/6556
You are in a room with no doors or windows. The only objects in the room are a mirror and a table. How do you get out?
A room by Audrey v1.

Riddle: You are in a room with no doors or windows. The only objects in the room are a mirror and a table. How do you get out? Answer: You look in the mirror, you see what you saw, you take the saw, you cut the table in half, two halves make a whole, you jump out the hole!
by Audrey v2.