Who Was The Surgeon

Author: Jeffefef
7 years ago

Riddle: The son and the father got into a car crash the son was badly injured the father was killed the boy was rushed to the hospital the operating surgeon said " I cant operate on him he is my son." Who was the surgeon.
Answer: The mom is the surgeon.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/6190
The son and the father got into a car crash the son was badly injured the father was killed the boy was rushed to the hospital the operating surgeon said " I cant operate on him he is my son." Who was the surgeon.
Who was the surgeon by Jeffefef v1.

Riddle: The son and the father got into a car crash the son was badly injured the father was killed the boy was rushed to the hospital the operating surgeon said " I cant operate on him he is my son." Who was the surgeon. Answer: The mom is the surgeon.
by Jeffefef v2.