My Way To Play Chess.

Author: Riddler 15534
7 years ago

Riddle: A Chess Board is sitting on the table in the middle of the room and then they play with three new rules, the rules are: You can move your pieces to any square that's not taken by an enemy piece at any time, if you have your king and an enemy piece is on your team. Also you may promote to any piece excluding the king. If you try to cheat against any of these or the other rules, you forfeit. Also the winner gets five dollars. You start to play as white and you're in the lead, you get you pawn to the other side and are allowed to promote it, the king is diagonal from your pawn though and can escape if you don't make you move correctly, if you do you will win. Behind the king 2 rooks stand blocking him from moving out of his row of squares. If you promote to a white bishop, the king can kill your piece, if you promote to a white horse, the king can kill your piece, if you promote to a white queen, the king can kill your piece. If you promote to a rook you tie. You promote your piece you are pronounced the winner, but the other player says you forfeit for cheating, but you states your rules and prove him wrong. What did you promote to, in order to win, and why did you win, without cheating?
Answer: Either a Black rook or a Black Queen. According to your rules, you could promote to any piece including a different color piece, now you have an enemy piece on your team you can, again according to your rules, teleport to any empty square and by moving next to your other two rooks aligned in their file, you checkmate the other person and get your five bucks. Maybe he should play by the normal rules next time.
A Chess Board is sitting on the table in the middle of the room and then they play with three new rules, the rules are: You can move your pieces to any square that's not taken by an enemy piece at any time, if you have your king and an enemy piece is on your team. Also you may promote to any piece excluding the king. If you try to cheat against any of these or the other rules, you forfeit. Also the winner gets five dollars. You start to play as white and you're in the lead, you get you pawn to the other side and are allowed to promote it, the king is diagonal from your pawn though and can escape if you don't make you move correctly, if you do you will win. Behind the king 2 rooks stand blocking him from moving out of his row of squares. If you promote to a white bishop, the king can kill your piece, if you promote to a white horse, the king can kill your piece, if you promote to a white queen, the king can kill your piece. If you promote to a rook you tie. You promote your piece you are pronounced the winner, but the other player says you forfeit for cheating, but you states your rules and prove him wrong. What did you promote to, in order to win, and why did you win, without cheating?
My Way To Play Chess. by Riddler 15534 v1.

Riddle: A Chess Board is sitting on the table in the middle of the room and then they play with three new rules, the rules are: You can move your pieces to any square that's not taken by an enemy piece at any time, if you have your king and an enemy piece is on your team. Also you may promote to any piece excluding the king. If you try to cheat against any of these or the other rules, you forfeit. Also the winner gets five dollars. You start to play as white and you're in the lead, you get you pawn to the other side and are allowed to promote it, the king is diagonal from your pawn though and can escape if you don't make you move correctly, if you do you will win. Behind the king 2 rooks stand blocking him from moving out of his row of squares. If you promote to a white bishop, the king can kill your piece, if you promote to a white horse, the king can kill your piece, if you promote to a white queen, the king can kill your piece. If you promote to a rook you tie. You promote your piece you are pronounced the winner, but the other player says you forfeit for cheating, but you states your rules and prove him wrong. What did you promote to, in order to win, and why did you win, without cheating? Answer: Either a Black rook or a Black Queen. According to your rules, you could promote to any piece including a different color piece, now you have an enemy piece on your team you can, again according to your rules, teleport to any empty square and by moving next to your other two rooks aligned in their file, you checkmate the other person and get your five bucks. Maybe he should play by the normal rules next time.
by Riddler 15534 v2.