The Riddle Of Legs

Author: Celia
6 years ago

Riddle: In comes two legs carrying four legs, and sets it down on three legs, then leaves. In comes 4 legs, and sees four legs, grabs one of four legs leg's, and runs away. Two legs comes back in and goes to find 4 legs carrying one leg. What are all the legs?
Answer: In comes a person carrying a sheep or pig, and sets it down on a stool, then leaves. In comes a dog, and sees the meat, grabs the meats legs, and runs away. The person comes back in and goes to find the dog carrying a leg.
In comes two legs carrying four legs, and sets it down on three legs, then leaves. In comes 4 legs, and sees four legs, grabs one of four legs leg's, and runs away. Two legs comes back in and goes to find 4 legs carrying one leg. What are all the legs?
The Riddle of Legs by Celia v1.

Riddle: In comes two legs carrying four legs, and sets it down on three legs, then leaves. In comes 4 legs, and sees four legs, grabs one of four legs leg's, and runs away. Two legs comes back in and goes to find 4 legs carrying one leg. What are all the legs? Answer: In comes a person carrying a sheep or pig, and sets it down on a stool, then leaves. In comes a dog, and sees the meat, grabs the meats legs, and runs away. The person comes back in and goes to find the dog carrying a leg.
by Celia v2.