Riddle: A woman has five children living with her. Each time she went out, something else would miss in the house, especially fish or meat from the pot of soup. So, one day she decided to meet a magician to know who the person is. When she met the magician, he gave her something to rub on the walls of the house, that anytime she goes out and come back, the name of the person doing it would be on the walls. So the woman did as he said. One day she went out and when she return, she went in to the kitchen to check on the pot of soup, behold, four meats were missing from the pot of soup. When she looked at the wall as the magician had said, she saw numbers instead of names. These are the numbers she saw: 11-38-137-226 and 32-1-38-16-14. But the woman could not understand the numbers. Using the numbers above, who did it? Given that the names of the children are: Dominique, Rachael, Michelle, Sharon, and Barbara. (Hint: the woman and her children only are in the house and two persons are the culprits).
Answer: The numbers corresponds to the relative atomic masses of elements in the periodic table. Therefore, Barbara and Sharon did it.
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